Money Meditations for Women: New Perspectives

Money Meditations for Women: New Perspectives

Money Motivators for Women

Reader Comment

I came across Money Meditations for Women just few hours ago, and I couldn’t stop reading it for hours, what a an incredible knowledge for women. I must say honestly I have never heard of you until today, but I’ve been praying to God to help me be more financially free and understand the whole money thing, and Universe put your book right in front of my eyes. I guess there are no accidents; everything happens for a reason.
– Nitu Gandhi

From The Author:

Owning your financial life means owning yourself. And your life. In very powerful ways, you gain freedom. You are at the controls. New Prospectives on Money Meditations for Women helps you see where your money hang-ups are. It gives you ideas on exactly how to go about helping yourself. I know this book can help you. I believe in it so strongly that I offer the same guarantee I used to give in radio and TV appearances: that if you don’t get more value than you paid, I’ll be happy to refund your money. No woman has ever asked for a refund and I’m betting that you won’t either! You can read a page a day. You can choose a task, a schedule and you can stick to it for 5 days, a week. You can begin today changing your life.