Happy Holidays and EOY Sales Event
- I am having an End-of-the Year Sales event for the Romance Series I just had spruced up with new covers, another round of proofreading and adding a few interesting tidbits about myself and the stories that were written and published earlier in my writing career. They are consider low-to-no-heat 21st Century Historical Romances Now. I enjoyed writing them and I hope you, your friends and family might want to give them a go this holiday season!
The sale is only on Smashwords but it is still a great price to get your romance fix in during your holiday vacation days. Take some time for yourself and read a good book with your favorite beverage and perhaps and snack on the side.
All Romance eBooks for Sale for only $.99 till end of the year. Jan 14, 2024
You will need to apply the above code on Smashwords at Checkout to get the correct price and each of the romance books are included in the sale.
Please share this post and the above code with your friends, family and co-workers. It is a limited time and does expire after a certain number of uses so grab yours while you can! You can even Download the pictures in the post to share as well.
Happy Holidays – Be Safe, Stay Healthy, and See you all next year with more book news and upcoming sales throughout 2024!
FYI: I will be concentrating on writing and completing my last non-fiction book in the coming weeks and months. My Social Media Coordinator will be doing the promotions and some of the posting in between. Keep your fingers crossed as I power my way to get er’ done before Christmas next year. I will be browsing through my email during my breaks so you can always send me a comment, suggestion or ask a question by using my CONTACT form.
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